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Hello, we're back! Sorry we're a bit late to the party with the whole 'New Year' blog posts. We don't have any excuses other than we took a bit of time off after Christmas. December was not only busy with Beaver & Mole but we were both busy with our other commitments and jobs, so we just felt we needed to step back for a few weeks to catch up on some family time. Then lockdown #3 happened and we just haven't had a chance to catch our breaths since.

However, although we haven't been so vocal on our blogs, e-mails and social we have been busy in the background planning 2021. But, before we get to that...


To believe in ourselves, because we are all capable of amazing things. We've learnt to become teachers, start a new business together and have been completely out of our comfort zone most of the time. But we did it [and still are!]

Cuddles and smiles mean everything, especially to our children and they've needed them more than ever.

Everyone goes through different experiences and we've learnt to respect that in each other.

Comparison is the thief of joy. Whether comparing ourselves to the other parents who are homeschooling with ease, another business that is flying higher or someone that is seemingly doing it all. Never compare, as you never know the true story!

Self care is a priority not a luxury as if we don't look after ourselves, how can we take care of each other?

People Care. When the world is at its darkest, people have shown the brightest parts of themselves.

Appreciate the simple things. We stopped looking to the future and wondering 'what's next' and instead took a step back and appreciated what we already have.

To listen. To listen to ourselves, our children, our loved ones and each other.

It's good to talk. Bob Hoskins was right all along! [showing our age now]

There is a solution to every problem. Sometimes you have to look hard for it, but it's always there.

It's ok to not be ok. We've heard this a lot in the last 12 months but it's true, It really is ok to not be ok. Believe us when we say, that both of us have struggled this year and it's been hard at times.

We can't do it all, no matter how much we want to. We're not superhuman and we can only do what we can each day. We've had to step back and evaluate what was important and what could wait.

Resilience. My, aren't we a resilient bunch! Not just us but our children too. We've all learnt to adapt to situations we never imagined.

To just go for it! We started Beaver & Mole on a whim really, we had an idea and just went with it. It was a gamble but what did we have to lose?

Don't let obstacles get in your way. We've encountered so many obstacles starting Beaver & Mole, some big enough to make us give up completely [we'll touch on that in another blog!] but we overcame them as a team and it's made us stronger as partners and stronger as a business.

In the middle of every difficulty lies opportunity. Ok, so maybe we stole this from Einstein but it's true. If the lows of 2020 hadn't have happened, we wouldn't have started Beaver & Mole.

Friendship first, business second. We've had a couple of disagreements along the way but nothing will ever come between our friendship.

Teachers are angels in disguise! Hats off to all of the teachers out there, as without you we are simply lost.

Who the real heroes are. The key workers are the ones who wear the capes and we will forever be indebted to them 🖤


We're so excited about what's to come for 2021. We have more stock arriving soon [in time for Mother's Day!] and we've been busy working on THREE new products ready for Spring. We're also planning on a possible two more products for the end of the year as well as launching a new service. We're super excited and can't wait to share it with you all.

Watch this space...

Jodie + Katie xx

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